Gamers for Life aka The Cave [Cave] looking for member
This is a newly created guild and I am looking for new members. My main character is a Necromancer/Monk built to be a minion master and that character name is Morgana Pendraggon. I also have a wide mix of other characters that I use. I am looking for anyone who is wanting to join a guild it does not matter what level, type of character, how long you have been playing none of that means anything to me. All I ask of anyone who wants to join is helping other members do mission they need help, donating gold to help buy all of traders for the Guild Hall but once that is done I will not ask for anymore gold, and once enough members have been recruited I want to participate in Guild vs Guild battles and will require you to participate in them when you can but other than that stuff I just want my Guild to be a Guild full of gamers where we all get together to play and have fun. If you are interested in joining send me a message or catch me in game(but if you catch me in game please mention you saw this post). Thanks I hope to hear from a few interested people